Opatření děkana č. 32/2009

E&F Government Scholarship Holders: Financial Conditions for Continuing Studies Beyond the Standard Two-Year Period (Vládní stipendisté studující v navazujícím magisterském programu Economics & Finance: podmínky pro prodloužení studia nad dobu dvou let)

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta sociálních věd


Opatření děkana č. 32/2009





E&F Government Scholarship Holders: Financial Conditions

for Continuing Studies Beyond the Standard Two-Year Period

(Vládní stipendisté studující v navazujícím magisterském programu Economics & Finance: podmínky pro prodloužení studia nad dobu dvou let)








V Praze dne 20. října 2009


Prof. RNDr. Jan Ámos Víšek, CSc.

děkan fakulty



  1. This Provision of the Dean concerns students in the two-year English-language Master's degree programme Economics & Finance, whose studies are financed by a full government scholarship administered through the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (full waiver of school fees, monthly stipend). It DOES NOT apply to holders of the so-called Development Scholarship funded through a Development grant from the same Ministry, and administered through the Faculty of Social Sciences (partial waiver of school fees, lump-sum payment: see http://fsveng.fsv.cuni.cz/FSVENG-56.html).

  2. Funding is provided by the Ministry for two years of study in the Economics & Finance programme. In the event that the student does not succeed in completing his/her studies by this deadline, the Faculty will allow the student to register for a third year of study without imposing school fees. However, no scholarship will be provided to cover the student's living expenses.

  3. In the event that the student does not complete his/her studies even by the end of this extra third year, s/he will be permitted to enrol for a fourth year of study only on condition that s/he pays the full applicable rate of school fees for the programme, as specified in the price-list issued annually by the Dean.

  4. Students whose studies in the Economics & Finance programme have formerly been funded by the full government scholarship are not eligible to apply for a Development Scholarship to cover their school fees in their fourth year of study.



Za správnost:

Cyril Šimsa

vedouci OZS